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Crowning Lenin in Kyrgyzstan

You can learn about the peaks and peaks in tours of Kyrgyzstan. And guests of the country will be able to explore Lenin Peak, which is located in the southern part of the country in the Osh region. And guests on tours in Kyrgyzstan will be able to explore all the most beautiful and charming places of the country, as well as become a participant in the tours of the trip that goes along the border with Tajikistan. The mountain has a height of 7134 meters. Customers can rent a car and explore the area near the peak. But you need to know that the top of the mountain is not visible because it is covered by clouds.

You should know before the tours that the weather at the summit can be changeable, and the temperature varies with the altitude. Guests of the country on tours will learn that the explorer A. P. Fedchenko was the first who was able to discover and explore the mountain in 1871. And in the past, the pc was named after the former governor and chief Kaufman. And now it bears the name of the former leader Lenin.

You can find out that in 1929 there was the first expedition to the mountain, but then not everyone was able to reach the top. After that, the campaign was repeated by the Soviet Red Army, whose members were able to raise a monument to Lenin on the peak and install it. Events later show how in 1967, in honor of the anniversary, 301 expeditions were able to make a trip. After this hike, 16 possible routes were opened to people.

You should be aware before touring Kyrgyzstan that the mountains can be dangerous even when you are traveling alone or in a team in a rented car. So the danger can be in avalanches or in crevices in the mountains, and also that in the mountains the weather is unpredictable. And for you to be safe, it is better to know some secrets. So the tragic events associated with the mountains occurred in 1974, when a team of women was caught in a storm. And 44 people in 1991 were overtaken in the mountains by an earthquake.